
Why Do People Change Their Minds on Brexit?

Jamie Woodhouse
5 min readOct 27, 2019

What makes someone change their mind about Brexit? What makes someone brave enough to admit it — even on Twitter?

I’m lucky enough to work with the @RemainerNow team. We talk to thousands of people who voted leave or abstained in the 2016 referendum, but who now want to remain in the EU. Find out more here.

This is a list of some of the reasons #RemainerNow people have given for why they’ve changed their minds. I offer no statistics or analysis here — but each reason has been cited by at least one person.

Please feel free to let me know of other reasons — yours or those you’ve heard, either in the comments below or @JamieWoodhouse.

Just #MakeItStop so we can focus on real UK problems

“I just want it to be over (remaining is the only way).”

“Our government has already wasted 3 years on Brexit when so much needs fixing in the UK. If we go ahead with Brexit — government will be doing nothing else for another decade or more.”

“I didn’t realise how complex Brexit was going to be and how badly our government would mess it up. Even if we still want to leave we need to revoke Article 50 now and have another think.”

“Brexit has made us an international embarrassment — staying in the EU is the best way of starting to rebuild our reputation.”

I voted in protest — at Cameron, at austerity, at my GE votes not counting

“Protest vote gone wrong — just wanted to give Cameron and the government / establishment a kicking — I didn’t want this.”

“I never thought leave could win — so was comfortable voting as a protest.”

“I was so confident remain was going to win that I didn’t bother voting.”

Vote Leave promises have been broken

“The Brexits on offer in 2019 are so different from 2016 promises (sunlit uplands, easiest deal ever).”

“Vote Leave promised we’d have a deal negotiated before triggering the legal process to leave. Now they’re claiming we voted for no-deal!”

“I voted to leave because I thought we could pursue a more socialist agenda outside the EU. Now Brexit feels like a hard-right Tory project + I don’t see the EU constraining other left-wing governments.”

“I wanted an EFTA / Norway / Soft Brexit. Given those aren’t on offer I’d prefer to remain. My vote seems to be being co-opted for ever harder versions of Brexit.”

“I felt like we should respect the result of the 2016 referendum — but it promised something we now know is impossible.”

“I believed we could get a deal that included all the benefits of EU membership without the constraints. I now know that was never realistic.”

“The Leave campaign lied (NHS, Turkey, trade deals).”

“The Vote Leave campaign broke electoral law.”

Leave politicians / leaders don’t represent me

“I’m disgusted with the people pushing Brexit — they don’t share my values / I don’t trust their motives.”

“I’m shocked at the way our government is willing to even undermine democracy and the rule of law to make a no-deal Brexit happen. This isn’t my Brexit.”

“Brexit seems to have emboldened the far-right — I want no part of that.”

I see the EU in a different light now

“I voted leave because I liked the idea of a proud, independent UK standing on the world stage. But in the modern world, it makes sense to pool our sovereignty — doing that makes us more powerful.”

“Our politicians and press only ever talked about the negatives of the EU. The benefits were hidden or claimed by UK politicians as their own. I’ve learned so much more about the benefits of trade, international co-operation, freedom of movement.”

“I didn’t like the idea of EU regulations being imposed on the UK — but then I realised we’re part of making those rules and none of them negatively impact my life at all.”

“I’d lost touch with the EU as couldn’t really afford to travel — it just didn’t feel relevant. I’ve since visited EU countries with my family — it’s helped me feel more of a connection.”

“Was told the EU was falling apart — now it seems stronger than ever.”

“I’m nervous about the UK standing alone given behaviour of the US, Russia, China — re: trade and security issues.”

“Given how global politics has shifted in the US, India, China, Turkey and Russia — feels like the EU is the only powerful hope for liberal democracy — we need to stay part of that.”

“I thought we could strike trade deals with the US, China and Commonwealth countries that would more than offset what we lose in EU trade — that just doesn’t seem realistic now.”

“I still have criticisms of the EU, but the damage to the UK from leaving isn’t worth it — we should stay and help make things better.”

“I voted to leave because I was worried about where the EU might be going. Now I think it’s better to stay and influence that direction. We can always leave later if we fail and disagree.”

“I voted to leave because I wanted the EU to be more directly democratic — to actually take some power away from nation states and give it back to the European people. Instead, Brexit now seems to be driven by the nationalism I despise.”

“Project Fear” is becoming project reality

“I’ve talked to my kids / grandkids — didn’t realise how they felt about Brexit’s impact on jobs / rights / public services.”

“Didn’t think about UK people losing our freedom of movement rights (live, work, retire in 31 countries).”

“Protecting The Union (Scotland + Northern Ireland) — I didn’t even think about Ireland in 2016 — Vote Leave didn’t mention it.”

“Fears over job losses — ‘project fear’ seems to be coming true.”

“Worried about NHS staffing + funding.”

“Concerned about availability of critical drug / medical supplies for me and my family.”

“Worried trade will impact public services funding / tax take and lead to yet more self-imposed austerity.”

“I’ve heard stories about the impact of Brexit on millions of EU people in the UK (e.g. stress of the settled status process) and UK people in the EU.”

Brexit won’t help the UK regions

“I voted leave partly to free the UK to invest more in the regions. Now I’ve realised the EU care more about UK regions than Westminster does.”

“I felt as though the benefits of EU membership all helped London, but didn’t do much for the regions. Now I see that Brexit will cause most damage to the poorest regions.”

